Is it Possible to Get Back Together With My Ex-Spouse in New Jersey?

Divorce marks the end of a marriage. For most ex-spouses, dating each other again or remarrying is unimaginable. However for some, they may realize that they want to get back together with their ex-spouse. Some may even want to try marriage again. This outcome is more common than you might think. So, is it possible to get back together with your former spouse in New Jersey?

It is possible to get back together with your former spouse in New Jersey. No law in New Jersey prevents former spouses from dating again or even remarrying. However, this is not a decision to be taken lightly. Before deciding to get back together with your ex-spouse, there are several things you should consider.

Considerations for Former Spouses Thinking About Getting Back Together

If you have found yourself wanting to get back together with your ex-spouse, there are several crucial factors to consider. It is not just about how you and your ex-spouse feel about each other – there is a much larger picture to take into account. Here is what to consider before getting back together with your ex-spouse;

Why Did You Get a Divorce?

Before getting back together with your ex-spouse, take time to think about the reasons for your divorce. Did your marriage end because of infidelity, communication problems, or irreconcilable differences? While you may have filed a no-fault divorce, there is still a reason why your marriage ended. If, for example, your marriage ended due to communication breakdowns and you and your ex-spouse still cannot communicate effectively, reconciliation may not be a healthy choice. It is vital to address the root cause(s) of your divorce to avoid the same issues. Reuniting with your ex-spouse without addressing the root cause(s) of your divorce can lead to separation or a second divorce.

How Will Remarrying Your Ex-Spouse Affect Child Support and Alimony?

Suppose your ex-spouse has been making child support and/or alimony payments. In such a case, remarrying them will cause the payments to stop. As long as you stay married, you might not have to worry about this because the combined resources of your new partnership would replace the financial support. However, it is vital to consider the long-term implications of reuniting with your ex-spouse. If you separate or get a second divorce, it could result in financial consequences. The court will make alimony and child support decisions based on your current financial situation. If you are now making more than your spouse, you might be ordered to pay alimony and/or child support.

How Will Remarriage Affect Child Custody?

If you and your ex-spouse have a child or children together and you decide to remarry, any current child custody agreement may be dissolved. If things do not work out and you decide to get a second divorce, the previous child custody agreement will typically not be considered. Instead, you and your child’s or children’s other parent will need to reach a new agreement. If you cannot agree, it could lead to a custody battle, necessitating the court’s intervention.

While getting back together with an ex-spouse is possible, it requires careful thought, mutual effort, and a commitment to change. It can be beneficial to seek professional guidance. You may also benefit from signing a prenuptial agreement before remarriage. A prenup can make things easier if you divorce again.

Contact a New Jersey Family Lawyer

To learn more or get legal help, contact our skilled New Jersey family lawyer at The Trabosh Law Firm.

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