Adoption is the legal process in which individuals or couples take on the responsibility of raising a child when the child is unable to remain with their birth parents. Adoption is one of the noblest things a person or couple can do. Adoption helps children get the love, stability, and security they need and deserve. It allows a child to have an opportunity to be a part of a happy family. However, because adoption is a lifelong commitment, it is crucial that before you decide to adopt a child, you are sure that you can stick with your commitment through the good times and bad times.
If you are considering adoption, one of the first things you need to do is to learn about the options available to you. You need to first understand the different types of adoption. A qualified family law attorney can help you understand all the options available to you. A lawyer can help you determine which option is suitable for you. But even before you speak to an attorney, read on to learn about various types of adoption in NJ.
Agency Adoption
This first type of adoption involves adopting a child through a licensed adoption agency. Adoption agencies screen the suitability of prospective parents and then match parents and children. With an agency adoption, the agency guides the adoptive parents through the entire process.
Private Adoption
Private adoption is also called independent adoption. This type of adoption is coordinated between the biological parents and prospective adoptive parents. With private adoption, the birth parents directly place their child for adoption. Private adoption does not require the involvement of an adoption agency. However, this type of adoption usually requires the help of an adoption lawyer or adoption facilitator.
Step-Parent Adoption
If you are married to someone with a child from a previous marriage or relationship, you can become your spouse’s child’s legal parent through step-parent adoption. However, it is vital to note that this type of adoption requires the biological, non-custodial parent to consent to the adoption if they still have parental rights.
Grandparent or Relative Adoption
In New Jersey, a grandparent can adopt their grandchild. Also, if you are an aunt, uncle, or adult sibling, you can adopt a child through the relative adoption option. Often, grandparent or relative adoption occurs when the biological parents have substance abuse problems, problems of mental or physical fitness, financial problems, or are incarcerated.
Domestic Adoption
When a United States resident adopts a child who was born in and who lives in the United States, it is called domestic adoption.
International Adoption
International adoption is when an individual or couple that resides in the U.S. adopts a child who was born in another country and lives in another country.
Same-Sex Adoption
Same-sex adoptions are legal in New Jersey. In New Jersey, it is illegal to discriminate against people on the basis of sexual orientation in adoption matters.
Contact a New Jersey Family Law Attorney
If you are in New Jersey and are considering adoption, contact our qualified New Jersey family law attorney at the Trabosh Law Firm. We can help you understand all the options available to you and determine which option is suitable for you.